満員御礼!「谷中暮色」凱旋上映会 “Deep in the Valley” greeted by full-house Yanakans!

Last night “Deep in the Valley” had the first public screening at Yanaka Community Center.
More than 150 people came and packed the large conference room. After the warm reception in Berlin and Hong Kong, the film returned to Yanaka finally and accomplished its original mission: to show and to think of Five-Story Pagoda to local Yanakans. They included the local casts such as Katsuhiro Kato, Miyoko Ogawa, Rokusen Wakayagi, Kozo Noike, Yoshiaki Kikuchi, Chief Priest Matsuoka, also the local NPOs and stores such as Yanesen-Kobo and Mihara-ya. Now the film has started marching on and expanding from local theaters to the world. Thank you very much!
Atsushi Funahashi

Atsushi Funahashi 東京、谷中に住む映画作家。「道頓堀よ、泣かせてくれ! Documentary of NMB48(公開中)」「桜並木の満開の下に」「フタバから遠く離れて」「谷中暮色」「ビッグ・リバー 」(2006、主演オダギリジョー)「echoes」(2001)を監督。2007年9月に10年住んだニューヨークから、日本へ帰国。本人も解らずのまま、谷根千と呼ばれる下町に惚れ込み、住むようになった。


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