娘・妻・母 Daughters, Wives, and a Mother
成瀬巳喜男 1960 東宝 123 minutes
製作:藤本真澄 脚本:井手俊郎/松山善三 撮:安本淳 美:中古智 音:斎藤一郎 出演:三益愛子/原節子/森雅之/高峰秀子/宝田明/団令子/草笛光子/小泉博/淡路恵子/加東大介/仲代達矢/上原謙/杉村春子/太刀川寛/中北千枝子/笠智衆
”Daughters, Wives, and a Mother ” Mikio Naruse, 1960, 123 Minutes, Toho
Naruse’s mise-en-scene and the screenplay by Toshiro Ide and Zenzo Matsuyama are truly incredible because they cast all the stars, especially the actresses, Setsuko Hara, Mineko Takamine, Mitsuko Kusabue, Aiko Mimasu, Haruko Sugimura, then yet didn’t fall short of any character depiction at all. They gave each actress her own important scene and then wrap those sequences together to the one focal point at the end: the helplessness and solitude of the elderly, Aiko Mimasu. Although there are so many characters (more than 10 family members), Naruse portrays one character’s agenda by having him/her to face with another character’s so that the latter’s agenda and character are also engraved by the way she/he reacted to the issue. This dual-potrait of characters by Naruse is extremely well-crafted, I’d say, by all means masterful.
That being said, Setsuko Hara, Aiko Mimasu, Mitsuko Kusabue are all following their usual images, which is not surprising in Naruse. The film becomes alive when the director composes new harmony of the regular super stars by importing the up-to-date-then social problem: the elderly care residence. In the midst of the rapid shift of family value the elderly chooses her own fate to live alone like in “MAKE WAY FOR TOMORROW” (Paramount, 1937, Leo McCarey).
The kiss scene of Tatsuya Nakadai and not-again widow, Setsuko Hara, is stunning.
Although the camera doesn’t show the lips’ contact, it showed Hara’s unstable, wavering stare and Nakadai’s decisive move — that tells enough of the romantic action.
娘・妻・母 Daughters, Wives, and a Mother