1960 マキノ雅広 東映京都 106分
脚本:棚田吾郎 撮影:鈴木重平、
出演: 高倉健、若山富三郎、鶴田浩二、藤純子、長門裕之、里見浩太郎、宮園純子
Kyokaku Retsuden (Yakuza Lullaby) Masahiro Makino 1960
Reunions of Fuji Junko and Tsuruta Koji is extremely well-done. The plot itself is not anything special, actually the scene could have been banal. However, all the tiny details made the scene truly cinematic; the Tsuruta Koji’s suppressed tone of voice, his downcast eyes, and Fuji Junko’s exquisite body move and her skin tone on the Toei color film in 60’s, etc. Also, I should praise the lighting, costume, set design, and cinematography — the good old days of Toei Kyoto Studio. Fuji’s sky-blue kimono is stunning against the dark shrine buildings, which undeniably proves the high standard of Toei Kyoto Studio that is long lost.
侠客列伝 Kyokaku Retsuden