Here are the tag lines of positive reviews on “Deep in the Valley.”
Persuasive, thought-provoking and occasionally touching: a kind of “8mm Paradiso,” Japanese-style.
– Neil Young, Hollywood Reporter
Impeccable, poetry and reflexion integrating attitudes.
– Von Heike Kühn, Frankfurter Rundschau
Interweaving documentary and fiction, as well as the use of black-and-white and colour, with an extraordinary sense of visual poetry, the director brings these contrasting societies together.
– Anne Thomas,
Understated, never didactic, the films draws the past into the lives of its young, present-day protagonists, luring them to discover it and to find themselves.
– Latika Padgaonkar,, (India’s biggest web portal of cinema.)
It is this young man who committed the impossible act of knocking his master off the throne that the older generation admires today as one of the great founders of tradition. This relativizes the conflict between the generations very nicely.
– Christoph Terhechte, Program Director,
Forum of New Cinema, Berlin International Film Festival
– Neil Young, ハリウッド・レポーター
– Von Heike Kühn, 独フランクフルター・ルントシャウ紙
– Annes Thomas, ドイツ誌
– Latika Padgaonkar, インド最大の映画サイトDear
– Christoph Terhechte, ベルリン国際映画祭プログラム・ディレクター