“Nuclear Nation” was screened at Edinburgh International Film Festival.
Moderated by Chris Fujiwara, artistic director of the festival, Q&A session and discussion with me and the audience were very intense. The topic includes: today’s dilemma of Fukushima refugees, moral hazard of using nuclear power, Japanese history of atomic energy and bombs, media ethics, etc.
Prior to the screening “Fukushima & Documentary,” a discussion event was held at St. John’s church.
I talked about the human cost of this nuclear crisis with Toshi Fujiwara, director of “No Man’s Zone.”
Opening Night Gala!
Artistic Director Chris Fujiwara & Atsushi Funahashi
An interesting coincidence was that his Holiness 14th Dalai Lama came to Edinbrgh to give a lecture on that day.
We shared some audience and heat to the theme: human ego in modern civilization. (Atsushi Funahashi)
その日の前日、エジンバラ市内目抜き通りにあるSt. John 教会で ”Fukushima & Documentary” と題した公開フォーラムが開かれた。僕と「無人地帯」の藤原敏史さんが招かれ、フクシマの責任の所在、社会問題を映画で描くことの倫理性などについて討議した。
Edinburgh IFF Report