Berlinale DAY 6: Middle break
Today we had no screening. Instead we had interviews and a talk event at Berlina...
...Today we had no screening. Instead we had interviews and a talk event at Berlina...
...On Monday we had a special presentation of NUCLEAR NATION at Berlin’s Gree...
...ベルリンフィルを初めて聞きに行った。何度かベルリン映画祭に来ていたものの、いつも映画、映画で、ポツダム広場以外のベルリンを見て歩く余裕など皆無に等しかった。 今...
...Here’s the original text of the video message, which was shown during the ...
...The 3rd screening at Cinestar Cubix 7 was, again, packed with concerned audience...
...独映画祭で双葉町長訴え「二度と私たちのような経験をしてほしくない」 開催中の第62回ベルリン国際映画祭で12日(日本時間13日)、東京電力福島第1原発事故で県外...
...Review by Lida Bach,
...Tag 5 des Klima Kino zur Berlinale: Interview mit Atsushi Funahashi...
2nd Screening at Delphi was packed again! The huge theater with 800 seats was co...
...The news interviewed director Atsushi Funahashi. (in Japanese) http://www.fnn-ne...