Report on 2nd Screening at Berlinale 2012.


2nd Screening at Delphi was packed again!
The huge theater with 800 seats was completely full.
Christoph Terhechte, the director of Berlinale Forum, said, “Amazing, almost shocking to see this much audience.”

German audience showed deep interest and concern on Fukuhshima.
Q&A session with dir. Atsushi Funahashi and Christoph Terhechte, director of Berlinale Forum.
Heated discussion with the audience include the perspective into the Japan’s history with atomic bomb and “peaceful use” of atomic energy.

Atsushi Funahashi 東京、谷中に住む映画作家。「道頓堀よ、泣かせてくれ! Documentary of NMB48(公開中)」「桜並木の満開の下に」「フタバから遠く離れて」「谷中暮色」「ビッグ・リバー 」(2006、主演オダギリジョー)「echoes」(2001)を監督。2007年9月に10年住んだニューヨークから、日本へ帰国。本人も解らずのまま、谷根千と呼ばれる下町に惚れ込み、住むようになった。


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